Click on the links below:
PowerSchool login
Steps to Logging into PowerSchool for Students.pdf
How to Create your PowerSchool Parent Account to Monitor your child's Marks & Attendance
Steps for additional student on PS.pdf
Office365 student login
Application to KidSport Manitoba Grants
Welcome to the Morden Collegiate Page for Parents. Here you can find information regarding our course selections, graduation information, our Parent Advisory Council meeting information and minutes and information on our Canadian Parents for French local branch here in Morden meeting information and minutes.
Please consider attending one of our Parent Advisory Council meetings. They are open to all parents and guardians of students at Morden Collegiate and it is a great way to connect with you and work together to plan activities and events to support our kids in their learning and their development.
We value our parents and families here at Morden Collegiate and invite you to contact your students classroom teachers, guidance counsellors, resource teachers or administrators at any time. We can be accessed via email (listed under “staff" on the website) or by calling the main office at 204-822-4425.
We look forward to working with you to ensure the best possible success for the students at Morden Collegiate.