Graduation requirements in the Province of Manitoba are based on students completing an identified course of study over their four high school years. These are based on achieving 30 credits (17 compulsory credits and 13 Elective/Optional credits)
Grade 9 & 10 5 compulsory credits in each year = 10 credits
Grade 11 4 compulsory credits in the year = 4 credits
Grade 12 3 compulsory credits in the year = 3 credits
Total: 17 credits
The remaining 13 credits can be selected from the variety of options offered at the school. One credit must be selected at the grade 11 level and two credits must be at the grade 12 level.
Morden Collegiate offers students the opportunity to graduate with the French Immersion Diploma. Please contact the school directly for specific information regarding this diploma.
Western School Division encourages students graduating from WSD to not only meet but exceed the provincial requirements and offers them the Western School Division Diploma if they choose. This diploma requires students to complete 32 credits and attain a grade 11 Science credit. All graduating students, regardless if they graduate with the provincial requirement of 30 or the WSD requirement of 32 credits can participate in the graduation ceremonies. We encourage all students to strive for the higher of the two in order to enhance their learning experience and qualifications.β
Through Western School Division's partnership with neighbouring divisions through the Red River Technical Vocational Area program, we are able to offer students various opportunities for career training while in school. Students earn credits while learning a trade or vocation. Please contact the school directly for specific information regarding this diploma.
Courses offered are assessed considering observations, conversations, and products. In some courses, an end-of-term examination can account for a portion of the final grade. Term work (assignments, projects, unit tests, etc.) is weighed more heavily than examinations. The examination timetable is published in the January and June school calendars, newsletters, and on the school website.
In order to be considered a full time student at Morden Collegiate, grade 9 & 10 students must be registered in a minimum of eight (8) courses and grade 11 & 12 students must be registered in a minimum of six (6) courses at any grade level in the school year. Full time student status is required for consideration for honour roll, honour roll with distinction, athletics, and many scholarship opportunities.
Please Note the following:
- Special Language Credit Option (SPLCO) credits (example: German/Russian/etc.) earned on language exams will count towards graduation but will not count towards full time student status.
- Credits earned through Private Music and Cadet programs will count toward graduation but will not count toward full time student status.
- Apprenticeship credits earned in the school year will all count towards graduation but will only count as one (1) credit towards full time student status.
- Credits completed through Distance Ed will count as one (1) credit each towards both graduation and full time student status.
- Volunteer Credit earned during the school year (110 hours completed in one school year β September to June - not carried over multiple years or summer months) will count as one (1) credit towards both graduation and full time status upon completion.
- Credit for Employment (CFE) and Career Development Internship (CDI) credits earned through the school year (110 hours completed in one school year - September to June β not carried over multiple years or summer months) will count as one (1) credit for each 110 hours completed towards both graduation and full time status.
Specific requirements related to participation in Manitoba High School Athletic Association (MHSAA) teams or qualifications for consideration for Academic Awards are found under those headings in this handbook.β
It is important for all students to strive towards academic success. Students participating in extra-curricular activities are to maintain satisfactory academic progress. Coaches/Supervisors will clarify these expectations with students involved.β
Academic dishonesty is defined as a situation where a student knowingly acts or fails to act in a manner to gain unearned academic achievement. Examples of Academic Dishonesty may include but is not limited to; plagiarism (presenting someone else's words as your own); cheating on examinations, tests, etc.; or aiding or abetting another student's academic dishonesty (creating work for another student to hand in for marks). Discipline responses will include but will not be limited to; a mark of zero on the assessment, meeting with the School Administration, meeting with parents/guardians, or suspension.β
The teaching staff prepares formal reports on student progress twice each semester. The first reporting period in each semester occurs near the mid- term point of the semester. Reports are sent home with the students in advance of Student Involved Conferences. The final reporting period occurs at the end of the semester.
It is the highly encouraged in WSD that students be actively involved in the reporting process and participate with their parents / guardians and teachers in the conferences. Due to COVID restrictions, conferences may look different than they have in the past. Parents and students are encouraged to look to updates closer to the dates of conferences.β