Created by the Physical Education Staff at Morden Collegiate
Morden Collegiate Institute Philosophy
Interschool Athletics are an important part of a student's total education program. They provide students with an opportunity to pursue excellence in an organized, competitive setting. Along with a high level of competition, interschool athletics provide students with the opportunity to develop positive attitudes, sportsmanship, time management, leadership, teamwork, and respect and to form friendships that last a lifetime.
Morden Collegiate's athletic programs are designed to have student athletes develop skills and learn strategy of a specific sport. To provide an opportunity for the skills and knowledge learned to be applied in a competitive setting. Morden Collegiate's students are expected to balance athletics and academics.
Manitoba High School Athletic Association
The MHSAA believes in the goals of education and that participation in sport plays an integral role in the total education of the student. The association encourages the high school student to participate in activities that will assist in the realization of physical, social, and emotional values.
Aims of MHSAA:
· To encourage participation and excellence in high school sport
· To teach educational values to high school student athletes
· To promote the value of high school sport in Manitoba
· To encourage and promote volunteer involvement in high school sport
· To see corporate and community support for the Association
Zone IV Athletic Association
The objectives of the Association are as follows:
- To encourage participation of students in high school sports through interschool and provincial programs.
- To consider the welfare of the participants as the primary criterion upon which all policies of the Association are based.
- To plan, supervise and administer the interschool and provincial senior high school sports programs.
- To conduct all Association and provincial programs within the guidelines of the Fair Play Philosophy.
- To provide an outlet for the skills learned and the appreciations developed through competition.
FAIR PLAY is a philosophy that provides a beneficial sport experience by emphasizing the principles of integrity, fairness and respect. With them, the spirit of competition thrives, fueled by honest rivalry, courteous relations and graceful acceptance of the results. The fair play is built on the premise that sport is an ethical pursuit, which develops character and shapes attitudes by:
- Helping athletes develop a positive self-image
- Promoting respect for the rules, officials and their decisions and opponents
- Encouraging a constructive attitude toward competition
- Developing a sense of dignity under all circumstances
- Providing an equal opportunity for all to learn skills
- Encourage individuals to continue their participation in sport
The Principles
Respect for Participants
The principle of respect for participants challenges coaches to act in a manner respectful of the dignity of all participants in sports. Fundamental to this principle is the basic assumption that each person has value and is worthy of respect.
Responsible Coaching
The principle of responsible coaching carries the basic ethical expectation that the activities of coaches will benefit society in general and participants in particular and will do no harm. Fundamental to the implementation of this principle is the notion of competence – responsible coaching (maximizing benefits and minimizing risks to participants) is performed by coaches who are “well prepared and current" in their discipline.
Integrity In Relationships
Integrity means that coaches are expected to be honest, sincere and honourable in their relationships with others. Acting on these values is most possible when coaches possess a high degree of self-awareness and the ability to reflect critically on how their perspectives influence their interactions with others.
Honouring Sport
The principle of honouring sport challenges coaches to recognize, act on and promote the value of sport for individuals and teams and for society in general.
The coach's specific areas of responsibility are:
- To be aware of the structure of the interscholastic programs and the school's philosophy in interscholastic activities.
- To attend all activities (practices, games, tournaments) associated with the team. To be accountable for their own and the teams' behavior in all sporting events when representing their school and to emphasize that interscholastic sports involvement is a privilege.
- To adhere to all MHSAA and Zone IV rules and guidelines regarding his or her sport.
- To adhere to safety documents, budget restrictions, emergency or accident procedures and all other transportation guidelines regarding field trip policies and school division policies to ensure a safe environment.
- To be knowledgeable about the sport they are coaching. Morden Collegiate supports coach development through clinics, mentorship and NCCP certification.
- To complete the Respect In Sport online certification program. This is a free program.
- To be an educational leader, as well as a coach, by stressing to the athletes the importance of other responsibilities to school and home.
- To maintain open communication with the school administration, the Physical Education Department, and the home.
- To communicate with the student's parents so that they are aware of their son's or daughter's involvement and commitment. It is recommended that you hold a parent meeting and or send a letter home before the start of the season outlining expectations, expenses and schedules. A parental informed consent signature is required.
- To strive for good public relations with the school and community.
- To maintain a positive and professional relationship with the officials.
- To supervise students from the time they enter the school for their activity until they leave the school at the conclusion of the activity.
- To work cooperatively with the Physical Education Department and other coaches in developing a schedule for the gym or other facility.
- To inform the Physical Education Department and request their approval when booking the gym for use outside regular school hours.
- To make sure that the facility and equipment is properly used, stored and maintained at all times.
- Develop an emergency action plan.
- To consult with the athletic director in preparing a budget for the season which outlines transportation (number of bus trips), tournament registration fees and any other additional costs that the school will have to incur.
- Submit bus requisitions for trip requests for league play, exhibition games, and tournaments at the beginning of the season.
- Prepare and submit a bus manifest that includes traveling passengers to school administration for each trip.
- Coaches must submit their Criminal Record Check, Child Abuse Registry Check, and register as a Western School Division volunteer (if not a WSD employee) to division office upon assuming coaching duties.
- Check all supervision duties if you are a WSD teacher as the coach; you will have supervisor responsibilities as well.
- To be aware of the structure of the interscholastic programs and the school's philosophy in interscholastic activities.
- To attend all activities (practices, games, tournaments) associated with the team. To be accountable for their own and the teams' behavior in all sporting events when representing their school and to emphasize that interscholastic sports involvement is a privilege.
- To adhere to all MHSAA and Zone IV rules and guidelines regarding his or her sport.
- To adhere to safety documents, budget restrictions, emergency or accident procedures and all other transportation guidelines regarding field trip policies and school division policies to ensure a safe environment.
- Check URIS medical binder (in school office). Medical plans for any student(s) on the roster should accompany the coaching staff while traveling.
- To maintain open communication with the school administration, the Physical Education Department and the home.
- To supervise students from the time they enter the school for their activity until they leave the school at the conclusion of the activity.
- To supervise students from the time they enter the school for their activity until they leave the school at the conclusion of the activity.
- To work cooperatively with the Physical Education Department and other coaches in developing a schedule for the gym or other facility.
- To inform the Physical Education Department and request their approval when booking the gym for use outside regular school hours.
- To make sure that the facility and equipment is properly used, stored and maintained at all times.
- Develop an emergency action plan.
- To support the coach and fulfill managerial duties i.e. booking buses, submitting scores to zone convener and MHSAA website.
- To ensure proper set up and clean-up of equipment during practices, games, and team travel.
- Submit scores from home games on to MHSAA website following each home game.
- Keep record of jerseys assigned. Notify athletic director of any charge slips issued at the end of the season and submit to the office.
- Provide passenger manifest for bus transportation to school administration prior to departure.
At the beginning of your season, a meeting will be held to arrange gym time with the coaches of the sport “in season" and the athletic director. A master schedule will be kept outside the physical education offices. The athletic director will be your liaison with Zone IV and MHSAA. In order to facilitate gym scheduling, sports considered to be “in season" will be given priority gym time until the end of its season. Coaches should adhere to the 1.5 hour practice times from 4:00pm – 8:30pm in the gym unless other arrangements have been made with all coaches and the athletic director. Extra practice times are available in the morning and at lunch providing the gym has not been booked by other user groups or intramurals.
*End of a season means elimination from Zone IV and/or MHSAA competition
**Practice times run from 4:00pm-5:30pm, 5:30pm-7:00pm, and 7:00pm-8:30pm Monday - Friday
***To book the gym outside of regular practice/game times please use the schooldude program
The coach is responsible for their team equipment and the gym facility 15 minutes before practice and until all students leave the gym or another coach arrives to take over the supervision responsibilities. The coach is responsible for everyone in the gym during your practice time so feel free to ask unwanted students to leave.
Upon leaving the gym check the area and change room. All equipment must be put away in the proper storage place. The last group to use the gym should lock all doors to the gym, equipment rooms, and all offices making sure no one is left inside.
Home Games
- Coaches need to arrive early enough to ensure set up is done properly. You must also arrive before your athletes as students are not allowed inside the gym without supervision.
- Provide a locked room for the referees to change clothes and secure their belongings.
- Set up team benches and coaches chairs in a safe area. Chairs could be set up for fans or the bleachers could be pulled out.
- Activity in Physical Education offices should be kept to a minimum. Please respect the privacy of the teacher's prep area.
- Do not leave equipment unsupervised when talking to your team at halftime or after a game. Please make sure to lock up all equipment after warm-up and after halftime.
- After the game ensure that all equipment is locked away properly.
*Equipment room should be left in the same order as found
The goal of interschool sports is to promote school programs and to encourage students to participate in a variety of school sports while meeting their academic and social responsibilities.
It is agreed that:
- For the welfare of the student athletes, coaches will be responsible, honest, consistent, caring, fair, enthusiastic and competent. They will teach the rules of fair play and good sportsmanship.
- Coaches will encourage student athletes to participate in more than one school sport.
- Students who are participating in a current “in-season" sport will have a fair opportunity to try out for the next sport.
Age Eligibility:
Each coach will be supplied with the eligibility rules (Zone IV/MHSAA) for the sport they are coaching. Please be aware of the age limits. If not sure of a student's age please check their school file
Sport Eligibility:
Submit a copy of your roster with the student athlete's first and last name to the athletic director who will register the teams with Zone IV and MHSAA. This must be done prior to your first league game in order to avoid fines.
There is an avenue to appeal a student who may not meet all eligibility requirements. There will be four eligibility appeal deadlines per year. All appeals for each season must be emailed to chad@mhsaa.ca by noon of the following dates: Fall Sports (golf, football, cross country, A-AAA soccer, volleyball) – September 24, 2021 Hockey – October 29, 2021 Winter Sports (curling, basketball) – January 14, 2022 Spring Sports (badminton, baseball, fast pitch, AAAA soccer, lacrosse, ultimate, rugby, track & field) – April 8, 2022
Additional information on the MHSAA website under Athletic Handbook
Grade 9 and 10 student athletes (eligibility rules apply) should participate at the Junior Varsity level. All coaches should be familiar with the eligibility rules in their particular sport.
Philosophically, however, we accept that the exceptional Junior Varsity athlete may be considered for varsity participation with the following procedure:
- There is a discussion with the athlete, parents, coaches, physical education department and school administration.
- The decision will consider the student's best interest regarding the physical, mental, social and emotional impact of playing at the Varsity level.
*All organizational responsibilities and associated costs are the responsibility of the team.
- If a home game, arrange the game during your practice time slot or at such a time so as not to disrupt the practice times of other teams.
- Notify administration and the physical education department of the game
- Arrange scorekeepers and referees
- Payment of officials is the responsibility of the team (cost can be shared with opponent-where travel is not excessive).
It is encouraged that each team host a home tournament (helps offset player fees, highlights local talent, creates interest/awareness of the program)
- Book the gym-book through school dude a minimum of 7 days prior to the event. Inform PE department of booking to be included on the activity calendar.
- Organize tournament early, inviting and confirming entries by email, fax and/or phone at earliest possible date
- Arrange draw and encourage payment prior to tournament. Cheques are to be made out to Morden Collegiate.
- Arrange for referees
- Order awards early Identify and schedule volunteers-scorekeepers, gate, etc.
- Sanction your tournament by registering prior to tournament start with MHSAA. Complete and fax required form to MHSAA.
- Forward the results of your tournament to MHSAA by Monday (12 noon) following the tournament weekend.
Fees collected cover a maximum of two tournaments per season. Team fundraising is encouraged to cover additional tournament costs. Where fundraising is not possible, additional tournament fees will be at the players' expense. Tournament fees should include coach/manager accommodations.
*Out of Province or out of Country tournaments will require special permission from the Western School Division Board prior to entering tournaments or accepting an invitation.
- Confirm our entry
- Send necessary papers, rosters, etc., as requested.
- Arrange for payment of tournament fee according to funding policy
*Maintain an accurate record of league, exhibition, and tournament results for MHSAA provincial seeding and wildcard applications.
*See the athletic director or the physical education department for support
- Each coach should be knowledgeable in proper first aid practices. Morden Collegiate will support the coach in receiving proper training and certification.
- Student athletes need to sign off on high-risk form (IICA-E3) to participate in the sport program (attached). Western School Division insurance covers each student enrolled. However, additional health information and insurance may be required. These forms should accompany the coach at all times, especially on travel trips.
- Serious injuries should be addressed immediately. The family should be contacted and the student should be cared for in relation to the seriousness of the injury (i.e. Call 911, take athlete to the hospital).
- Inform administration immediately on the details of the accident and submit an accident report (attached) to the main office.
Coaches will be supplied with a first aid kit at the beginning of their season. Should a coach require more supplies during the season, please ask the Phys. Ed. Department. Medical supplies should be used appropriately. Should an athlete require ongoing use of the medical supplies, the athlete will be required to purchase the supplies on their own. First Aid kits must be returned to the Phys. Ed. Department immediately after the season.
Quality uniforms are an important aspect of a proud athletic program. The athletic director will indicate to the coaches the uniform policy at the school.
The coach is responsible for distributing uniforms to his/her athletes, keeping record of uniforms assigned to athletes, and notifying the athletic director of any charge slips that are issued at the end of the season for lost of damaged uniforms.
In the case of uniforms being supplied by the school, it is imperative that coaches follow the uniform policy.
1) At the beginning of a season, each coach will be issued a set(s) of uniforms.
2) The coach is responsible for the safe return of all uniforms. Any uniforms not issued to a player should be kept in a safe place until the end of the season.
3) The coach will keep uniform inventory – one for their records and one to be returned to the physical education department. (See form at the back of booklet)
4) The coach will explain to the team, each player's responsibility for the proper care, cleaning and return of his/her uniform.
Washing Instructions:
- Wash uniform in cold water (preferably by itself)
- No chlorine bleach
- Hang to dry (machine driers may damage to the uniform)
- Uniforms must be returned to the coach at the end of season CLEAN AND IN GOOD SHAPE
5) Any loss or damage is the responsibility of the student. Replacement Cost of uniform is average at $30.00 - $100.00.
6) The coach will return all uniforms and/or monies for loss or damage with inventory within two weeks after the season. (Try to collect immediately after last game).
In some cases, students may purchase their own uniform for each sport team. This is an additional cost beyond the jersey rental fee required of each student for each sport season. Collection of fees for the personalized jersey including tax, freight, minimum order costs, and any additional charges must be paid in full by the student before the order will be processed. This process will involve the athletic director and school office to organize, collect fees from the student and purchase the uniform.
NOTE: Regardless if the athlete or the school purchases uniforms: it is imperative that all numbering and advertising guidelines outlined in the MHSAA handbook are strictly adhered to.
Good equipment is an essential component for a quality athletic program. With a good quality ball, racquet, or stick costing over $50 it is imperative that coaches follow and convey to their players the importance of taking care of the equipment.
All equipment used by a team should be checked for damage, breakage, etc. and replaced as necessary. Damaged or broken equipment should be brought to the attention of the Physical Education Department as soon as possible.
At the end of each practice and game, all equipment should be counted and locked away neatly in the equipment room. Team balls should be stored separately from regular Phys. Ed. class equipment. Please check the bleachers, mats, and curtains for any stray equipment after each practice.
Please instill in your team members respect and responsibility for all equipment and facilities both at home and away.
- Provide recognition of individual and team accomplishments in school with posters, announcements, schedule, media, etc. Submit athlete names for recognition through MHSAA.
- Post all results for home games on MHSAA no later than noon the following day of competition.
Media/Advertising Contacts for Phys Ed.
Name Email Phone Number
Clayton Dreger (Golden West Radio) cdreger@goldenwestradio.com 374-3315
Morden Voice news@winklermordenvoice.ca 332-3456
MHSAA (Manitoba High Schools Athletic Assoc.): use login and password (from athletic director) to submit scores
Zone Convenor: each sport has a specific zone convenor. Contact information will be passed on from athletic director
Signed forms must be obtained from parents/guardians granting informed consent for their son/daughter to leave school grounds. All relevant information must be made available to parents/guardians, including;
- Description of activity or activities
- Method of transportation
- Behavior expectations
- Grounds of possible dismissal
- Information related to risk management procedures
- The potential of activity or event cancellation
*Any activity or event involving an overnight stay requires communication for parents/guardians to ensure that consent is informed
In planning an out-of-school activity or event, a variety of modes of transportation may be considered, including;
- Divisional transportation
- Private vehicles (with the permission of the school)
- Private transportation companies (with the permission fo the school)
When traveling seat belts must be used in all cases except where regular school buses or highway coaches are used. All volunteers must complete volunteer driver application forms (IICA-E4) and must have criminal record checks (KKA and KKA-E). A driver's abstract will also be required. The division will retain the applications of all current volunteer drivers.
Extra-curricular transportation is requisitioned through the principal of each school and approved by the Supervisor of Operations. The cost is charged to the transportation budget of the school requesting the transportation, on a cost recovery basis.
With the permission of the school: Private vehicle, up to 8 occupants
| Number of occupants limited by number of seat belts. Qualified volunteer driver (only with prior approval of school administrator). Class 5 license. Age 21 or over; not a secondary school student; good health; three years' driving experience. (2 vehicle maximum)
Organized by the school: School Bus | Qualified Driver Approved by the division and holds a School Bus Operator's Certificate from the Pupil Transportation Unit
With the permission of the school: Charter or Taxi | Professional driver [(1) a driver supplied by a division-approved vendor, or (2) a volunteer driver who makes his or her livelihood as a driver of a public or charter bus/coach] |