In grade 9, students will be registered in the following core subject courses:
Note: ALL grade 9 students will take grade 9 math all year and will earn 2 credits - Grade 9 Math and Grade 9 Transitional Math.
English Program Students (6 required credits)
| French Immersion Students (7 required credits)
Math & Transitional Math
| Mathématiques & Mathématiques de Transition
Social Studies
| Sciences Humaines
| Sciences de la nature
Physical Education
| Physical Education
English Language Arts
| English Language Arts
| Français arts langagiers
2 credit course package
Mathematics 10F is a foundation course designed to prepare students for more than one possible math pathway in Grades 10 to 12. All Grade 9 students take this course. The activities in this course are based on a problem-solving approach to learning.
The topics dealt with in this course include a discussion of rational numbers, statistics, exponents, linear relations, circle geometry, polynomials and symmetry. This course prepares students for both Introduction to Pre-Calculus and Applied Math 20S and for Essential Math 20S in Grade 10.
Students will need a scientific calculator for this course.
Physical Education
1 credit course
This course focuses on 5 main areas.
- Movement
Students will experience a variety of individual and team activities to gain knowledge of and competency in a variety of movement skills. - Fitness Management
Students will participate in fitness testing two times and learn how to develop lifelong fitness goals and habits. - Safety
Students will demonstrate safe and responsible behaviors to manage risk and prevent injuries. - Personal and Social Management
Students will learn how to apply the decision-making process in a healthy manner and learn to build positive relationships with others. - Healthy Lifestyle Practices
The topics of personal well-being, drugs and alcohol, relationships and family life will be covered.
Students will be required to have proper gym attire. They will be evaluated on movement, fitness management, safety, personal and social management, and healthy lifestyle practices.
Students should be prepared to pay a nominal fee for activities requiring community space. (ie bowling - $2.00 per day, curling - $2.00 per day and golf - range balls).
Science /Sciences de la nature
1 credit course
This course provides an introduction to the following clusters in science.
1) Atoms and Elements (Chemistry)
The Atoms and Elements cluster builds on the particle theory of matter. The historical development of the atomic model is examined and used to describe the conception of the periodic table. At the core of the unit is the investigation of the properties of elements and compounds.
2) Reproduction (Biology)
The Reproduction cluster explores the biological mechanisms of asexual and sexual reproduction. These reproductive methods are compared and contrasted in terms of their contributions to an organism's propagation and an ecosystem's diversity. As well, the major stages of human development from conception to birth are examined. Finally, the reproductive unit introduces genetics and inheritance.
3) The Nature of Electricity (Physics)
The Nature of Electricity cluster explores the development of the particle model of electricity. Through this model we will explore electrostatics and current electricity.
4) Exploring the Universe
The Exploring the Universe cluster is completed as an independent study. You will be given two packages to examine the historical development of our understanding of the Universe and the motion of visible celestial objects.
Social Studies/Sciences Humaines
1 credit course
This course is intended to help students gain a greater understanding of the society in which they live, their roles within that society, and the role of Canada within the world today. The themes that will be explored are geography, natural resources, the nourishing earth, industry and commerce and urban spaces. There is also an ongoing emphasis on citizenship skills and an individual's responsibility in a global context.
Evaluation of this course will include a variety of methods; short quizzes, projects, assignments, oral presentations and a final exam.
English Language Arts
1 credit course
The aim of this foundational course is to enhance, strengthen, and extend language proficiency, enabling students to become competent practitioners in all six strands of Language Arts (reading, writing, representing, speaking, listening, and viewing.) This course will offer students a broad range of language experiences using a variety of language forms for personal, social, and academic needs. A major emphasis on inquiry and critical thinking will be used to foster reflective learners. Students will engage in a variety of units which include short stories and short story writing, poetry, personal and formal essay writing, Shakespearean comedy, novel studies (group and independent), and various projects. This course includes a Final Process Exam.
Français arts langagiers (required for the French Immersion diploma)
1 credit course
Prerequisite: French Immersion Grade 8 or permission from the instructor.
This course introduces the use of French for artistic, personal, and technical purposes using a variety of texts. The course will examine the elements of the short story, poems, essays, novel study, persuasive speeches, media, current events and improvisation.
Evaluation of this course will include a variety of methods; short quizzes, projects, assignments, oral presentations and a final project.